06 September 2007

Gender-neutral bathrooms

And if you want to explore the strange side of political correctness on colllege campuses, check this one out.


Anonymous said...

the link provided for learning more about this topic wouldn't work on my computer for some reason (it was probably blocked by our stupid netgear filter because of the topic) but i googled the gender-neutral bathrooms and i found this site, which is a magazine article promoting these bathrooms. I found it interesting how the author spoke of "conforming" to a specific gender (umm...as if that's a bad thing?) anyways, ya'll should check it out.
here's the address:


Anonymous said...

Aside from the absurdity of this, I think that normal people (non-homosexuals) would like a little privacy to their own bathrooms. I like to go into the bathroom and talk with all the other girls in front of the mirror. Some of the things we say, I would definitely not want a guy hearing. This may be a hlep to homosexuals, but it is an annoyance to everybody else

Christena Painter said...

So it's not really that hard to determine if you're male or female. This is pretty ridiculous if you ask me.