06 September 2007


If you want to read an article about the human/animal embryos that we were discussing in class, click here.
A guy named Thomas Peters has some good commentary if you are interested in a Christian, specifically Catholic, point of view. He says:

Embryos with 99.9% human genetic code are still presumed to be human, and in keeping with human dignity do not deserve to be killed at fourteen days to have their cells harvested. Also, this kind of research still has no cures to its credit, and is undertaken despite the far better and demonstrable results obtained through adult stem cell research. Third and finally, there are several promising techniques being developed to "dedifferentiate" adult cells to a state of functioning like stem cells, which is what these scientists are attempting to produce through the unethical "forward process" of allowing normal embryonic growth, which begins with the creation of a human being that will eventually be killed for its stem cells.

To read more of his discussion, click here.

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