T H E O L O G Y 1 . 1
1. What are the two “foundations” upon which Christian theism rests?
2. What is the difference between general and special revelation? What does it mean that general revelation is “a necessary but insufficient” means of revelation? What is God’s most direct form of special revelation?
3. What is a linchpin? How is special revelation “the linchpin of Christianity?” How does general revelation function as a “prod?”
4. When C.S. Lewis says, “Unless I believe in God, I can’t believe in thought,” what does he mean?
5. What are some of the characteristics of the personal God? From which biblical references do we learn about these characteristics?
T H E O L O G Y 1 . 2
6. What are the key beliefs of Islam? According to Islam, who is Muhammad? What roles do Jesus, Moses, and other biblical figures play in Islam?
7. What are the key practices (or pillars) of Islam?
8. What are the Qur’an and the Hadith?
9. What do Muslims believe regarding the doctrine of the Trinity? Why do they hold this view?
10. Muslims claim that Islam fulfills Christianity. What are the main problems with this view?
T H E O L O G Y 1 . 3
11. What term best describes Secular Humanist theology? How do Humanists view the supernatural?
12. According to Corliss Lamont, from where did the idea of God or gods come?
13. What is the premise of the humanistic children’s book What About God?
14. Why did life-long atheist Antony Flew abandon atheism and accept theism?
15. Reflection Question: According to Paul Kurtz, since there is no God, man must save himself.
What does Kurtz mean by “save” himself?
T H E O L O G Y 1 . 4
16. What term best describes Marxist-Leninist theology?
17. How did Karl Marx view humanity and its role in history?
18. What well-known quote by Karl Marx best summarizes his sentiment toward religion?
19. Fyodor Dostoevsky said the problem with Communism is not economic, but what?
20. Reflection Question: Why did Marx and Lenin both desire to wipe “even the flirting of the idea of God” out of existence?
T H E O L O G Y 1 . 5
21. Why is the life of Christ important to Cosmic Humanists?
22. According to Cosmic Humanism, who is God?
23. According to Cosmic Humanism, what happens when a person dies?
24. What is the theological view of Cosmic Humanism?
25. Reflection Question: How have you seen pantheism portrayed in popular culture?
T H E O L O G Y 1 . 6
26. What is the theological view of classical Postmodernism?
27. Why are Postmodernists such as Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault unwilling to clearly state their theological beliefs?
28. What is deconstruction? How might this theory be applied to texts such as the Bible?
29. How has Postmodernism influenced the notion of religious pluralism?
30. Reflection Question: What do you think Friedrich Nietzsche is saying in his poem The Madman?
31 August 2007
Homework questions- Theology unit
Posted by
8/31/2007 10:39:00 AM