Welcome to Worldview
For the majority of this class we will be using the curriculum Understanding the Times from Summit Ministries. We will explore different worldviews and how they contrast with the Christian worldview. We will also study the Theology of the Body during one academic quarter, using a scripture-focused translation of the teachings of John Paul II. Our course will be based on the textbooks, lectures and video presentations.
Here is some information on expectations and requirements that will help this course run peacefully for all of us. Please read it carefully.
Questions, Problems, Needs- see me before or after class or after school, NOT during class time. I am available by phone anytime except the dinner hour (6-7pm) and after 10pm. I am very glad to talk to you or your parents about any issue.
Grades will be based on:
Tests and Class Presentations = 60%
Quizzes & Homework Assignments =30%
Class Participation =10%
Homework will be written on the board during each class period or handed out in printed form. You are responsible for knowing what your assignment is and when it is due. Assignments should be turned in on or before the due date. Late homework papers receive a penalty of 5 points per class period, and will not be accepted at all after the grading period has closed. Exceptions require parental notification prior to the due date.
Attendance and Note taking
We have only two class meetings per week, and a lot of material to cover. Absences and tardiness can be detrimental to your grade.
Attendance is very important. Good note taking is essential. If you are absent, get the notes and homework assignments from a classmate.
Planned absences should be discussed with me ahead of time. I will give you your assignments in advance. They will be due promptly upon return.
Materials (Needed every class meeting – no exceptions)
Textbook(s) for this class, COVERED WITH A REMOVABLE BOOK COVER
Spiral notebook, college rule with perforated pages
Folder with pockets
Pencils and pens
Dos and Don’ts
Do listen and take good notes. There will be test questions on lecture topics.
Do always hand in homework at the beginning of class.
Do be respectful and courteous to your teacher and classmates at all times
Don’t be absent on the day of a test. If you are, this is what you need to do:
1. Have your parent call the school BEFORE the test.
2. Be prepared to take the test the day you return.
3. Be advised that an alternate form of test may be used.
Don’t forget -Cheating and/or plagiarism will result in a 0 for the assignment with no possibility of make-up work. Other consequences may follow according to ACS policy.
Don’t expect this class to be boring. YOU and your participation will make this class fun and interesting, and can improve your grade.
1 comment:
So i am guessing that we write on the blog by leaving comments! Anyway, i found it!!!!!!!! -Kathryn
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