18 September 2007

from Booge

We have had a few interesting comments, but this has to be one of the most spectacular. It's sort of a stream of consciousness/attack the keyboard and see what happens style of writing. I had to tweak the spelling and punctuation a bit, but I reproduce it here in much of its original glory.

yea so no one had a lot to say so i will write the most. i think i should git a candy bar for writing the most and i think i will write all the time because i think it is so much fun. so Mrs V hope you have a good trip and we will miss you a lot, but have fun and we will see you on the 25. o yea this makes the class a lot more fun and now i have nothing left to say so good bye and God bless.

I like the enthusiasm, effort and goodwill this represents. And I did have a good trip and was glad to see you all again.


Anonymous said...

well mark, that probably IS the most exciting comment. good job! lol and speaking of candy bars...you know, i've been checking out the blog a lot...and, well....*cough* i think that, you know...a little reward wouldn't hurt anyone...*cough*

Unknown said...

congrats mark
that was a sweet entry
i wish i could get a comment on the first page

Unknown said...

congrats mark
i wish i could get a post on the front page
well, i guess i should write something first

Anonymous said...

So, here's my question: Do we have to say something clever and witty to make it on the front page hall of fame here? It seems that everyone wants to get on it, ha ha. However, I actually do have a question. In class the other day we started talking about Plato's idea of a place where everything is perfect. He said that somewhere there is a perfect example of a tree, a perfect example of a dog,..etc. Well, I believe that God loves all of his creations very much. Do you think that it is possible that these perfect examples are in heaven? I know that dogs and trees can't be in heaven because they don't have eternal souls. However, maybe God placed these perfect examples in heaven before the fall. Just something for ya'll to think about...